Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Judge Mental

I've been accused of being judegemental before and for good reason. Sometimes I am judgemental. I know it and I accept it becuase I think everyone is guilty of this from time to time.
Case in point: This morning, I opened up MSN and found a link to a story that caught my eye. At first, I had decided to ignore it. I almost felt my hand pushing the mouse toward the icon and conciously made the decision not to go all the way.
I read a couple of news itmes and checked my e-mail. Then, as I signed off e-mail, I got that golldang icon again....the one with Brittney Spears' sister's image staring at me with the caption, "Whatsername may be pregnant". Okay, it said her name but I forgot what it is and I don't want to look it up and lose my train of thought.
I guiltily clicked on the story and read about three sentences. It was enough. Brittney Spears' sixteen-year-old sister is knocked up by some dude she met in church.
The nasty thought that immediately sprang to my mind (as I'm sure it did to that of so many) was that if anyone had been unsure of the level of white-trash that was embodied in the Spears gene pool, little sis just confirmed that it was pretty dang high.

Now, as sad as it is that this young girl is knocked up, I think that it's kind of sad that I am judging her: for thinking her a slut, a whore, a teenage jezebel, for thinking of her mother as a bad parent, a dirty piece of redneck waste, for thinking of her skank sister as a bad role model.
Who am I, after all? I'm not even rich or famous. I could be considered white trash by some people. In fact, the other day I heard a patron at the bar I work at refer to me as white trash behind my back - when he thought I wasn't listening.
Of course I think he's wrong. If I were really white trash, I would have blown some mucous into his scotch. To be honest, the thought never even crossed my mind. I was too busy pretending not to be offended and telling myself that I misunderstood what I thought I'd heard.
Does that make me not white trash? Maybe not. Maybe I am. Maybe we all are - except black and chinese and indian people. They are black, indian or asian trash.
Wait....maybe I am white trash! I just referred to asians as Chinese! Worse yet, I wrote 'chinese' with a small c! I am a terrible, horrible person.

POINT: Judging is mental. Lets shoot the judges. (But please don't kill them because that's violent and violence is bad. Ugh. Here I am now, judging people who are violent. Or am I?