Monday, September 15, 2008

Who The F CoOpted the Word "Urban" And Made It Black?

I am so sick of the media taking perfectly generic terms and making them into something so specific that any real sense is taken out of the word.  Case in point: "Urban".  I have always considered myself to be urban.  I grew up in an urb, as it were. and while I never refer to myself as "urban", I do consider myself abso-friggin'-lutely urban.  I am not only from New York City, but I'm from the freekin' Bronx!  Who has more of a right to be urban than that.  I am NOT, however, even slightly black.  While I support the right of all races to refer to themselves as urban, I take offense to the notion that I am not urban simply due to a my lack of pigmentation.  It's not just annoying, it's ridiculous.  I also think it's racist. It's like they create these names because somehow it's either politically or socially incorrect to refer to people by their race - at least that seems to hold true for black, hispanic and asian peoples.  White people, on the other hand, have no special names; at least not polite ones.

Real estate agents do this with neighborhoods that are either not trendy enough or have a bad reputation in order to get those prone to duchebaggery to pay higher rents.  (See: NoLiTa; Upper Yorkville, SpaHa.)  Now various media are using it to make us believe that all urbanites are black.  Is that because "Cinemax's first BLACK erotic television series" wont appeal to anyone?  How fargin' racist is that?