Monday, May 10, 2010

The Supreme Court of the United States: Addressing the Really Important Stuff

In reflecting on today's nomination of Elena Kagan to the United States' judicial branch, I can't help but wonder: Why are there no attractive people on the Supreme Court?

Some Republicans were concerned that she could be too wishy-washy and some Democrats that she might be too traditional. Others worry that her lack of judicial experience will hamper her ability to be an effective judge. The fact that she will complete the Harvard-Yale domination of the Supreme Court is also a point of concern for some Obamasnobbery watchers; while still others worry that her ostensible lesbianism could factor into her decisions as a judge in our highest court.

I say, these concerns are boring. Leave them to those with minds for such hoity-toity trepidations. I speak for the common concerns of the people, I believe, when I say that her flagrant unattractiveness is the greatest offense to common sense. She clearly has no sense of hair, which is of course, a staple of womanhood. How can we have this chick making decisions for the whole country when she can't even choose a good hair dresser. Maybe it's a lesbian thing. They often seem to have intentionally bad hairdos. I suppose her face is beyond her control and I can't say anything about her clothes because, I don't think public service pays that well and it would be unfair. I only wish to judge her physically, as that is what's really important.

It's troubling to think that our trio of "Supremes" won't look anything like Diana Ross and those other two, but more like the Three Stooges: Larry, Mo and Curly replaced by Ruth, Sonia & Elena. I think Elena's apparent "female"-pattern baldness would put her in as the "Curly" of the group. Sonia is the "Larry" and Ruth, with her dark sephardicism, is clearly the Mo of the group.

All I ask is: Why can't we have a hot chick on the court? I'd be so much more likely to watch C-Span. I really hope the next president wises up and nominates the way an Italian citizen or a French president might. Those Europeans really seem to know what they're doing. Better still, the South Americans! As the famous Brazilian poet, Vinicius de Moraes, once said, "The ugly ones will forgive me, but beauty is fundamental."

Something to think about, Obama!!!