Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wasted Life of A Genius

I thought about calling my blog "thewastedlifeofagenius" but thought it would work against me. I've always said that people who call themselves geniuses or smart are mostly idiots. I don't want to be seen as an idiot, even if I am one. Therefore, I use humility (and at times even self deprication) to make people think I'm smarter than I actually am. And when I say, "smarter" I don't mean that I think I'm smart. Remember, I am just actually very very dumb. I don't even know why you're wasting your time reading this, though that's not as bad as me wasting time writing it, no?


I guess it's pointless to go on like this so I'll get to the nitty gritty. I want to express to you that I have wasted my life. I'm getting old by the moronic standards of the artistic community. I've always considered myself to be a terrible writer (remember that that means I really think I'm a genius) and so I decided at a very young age to persue that as my one and only career goal. Now more than 20 years have passed and I'm a semi-unemployed accounting clerk/videogame rater/ESL teacher/half-assed filmmaker. Still, I chase this goal and that's the purpose of this blog. If I can't have a real career I can at least blog and pretend that someone is reading it and enjoying my musings.

I have been wasting most of my sucky skills writing crap on various Orkut pages and sending e-mails to friends around the world. Oh, how some of them make me laugh and laugh and laugh! I'm pretty sure they don't make anyone else laugh, but I am not really concerned about others. I'm selfish. (Notice the frequent use of the word "I" on display here.)

Well, this is just an intro. It's boring, I know. I realize I'm incredibly uninteresting and so I promise the rest of my entires will be more exciting. I will lie if I have to but I plan on telling true stories about people I know so you can laugh or cry at their expense. I will be nice and change their names, unless they piss me off.

I will start with my next entry which will be a story about a certain insane family memeber I have who is possibly the most interesting character any writer could ever hope to have to write about.

Sounds exciting, no?! Don't get too excited. I'm not that good.

Oh! I almost forgot! I should mention the title of my blog. It is "Naco In Denial". If you're Mexican you'll get it. If you're not Mexican, you might have no fargin' clue what I'm talking about. That's OK. I like a little mystery in my blog titles, don't you?

Goodbye for now!

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