Thursday, May 11, 2006

25 Million Dollars

Just to step away from my childhood for a moment. I want to take some time today to reflect on the fact that I need 25 million dollars.
Why, you ask?
Well, it's simple really. I don't want to work anymore. I feel that I've suffered under opressive bosses long enough. I have worked for at least a dozen companies under supervisors who have failed to appreciate my genius.
I don't think 25 bigones is too much to ask. I feel I deserve it. I've been good.
Despite this, the police are constantly giving me tickets even though I don't own a car. Yes. That is amazing. Yet it happens to me all the time. The IRS is auditing me and wants over 5 thousand dollars from me despite the fact that I have bearly earned a livable wage and have earned poverty-level wages for much of my life. In 1999 I earned an embarassingly low wage as a teacher - I can't even tell you how low because it's humiliating. Let's just say cracked-out welfare recipients have more money left over after they buy their fixes for the year. My highest annual income has been less than that of most recent college graduates and in 2004 - which was one of the years in question, I had spend more money than I made. I worked at four jobs that year and my freekin' income was still crap and the IRS wants more of it. I can't take it anymore! What the hell does the MAN want from me???
I'm poor and always have been. Now I want my damn 25 Mil.
I'd use it to start a company and I'd pay off all my family's debts and then I'd hire my friend....let's call him Oreo, from Argentina. Then I'd hire my other friend...let's call him Farter, from Turkey. Oreo has a wife and two kids and Farter is getting married soon, so they will need a good income. I can offer them a good income if I have 25 million, no?
Then I'll have to hire my family members because with riches comes nepotism, plus I think they deserve it. They're mostly poor too...except my one sister who's not so poor...I'll call her, "Jaqui".
I like the "qu" doesn't suit her at all.
So, if you're rich and reading this. I'd really like 25 million dollars. It would help me out tremendously. Just please don't ask me to do anything in exchange for the money unless it involves doing something I can do while in a reclined position.
OK, next time I'll go back to my childhood.

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